Thursday, August 29, 2024

First Time at Tyler MIll

Today I rode Tyler Mill for the first time. The old man is still pedaling! I just did a small easier section of it for starters. It was cloudy and gray (but it didn't rain!) and not that exciting of a ride. It a huge place so I'll be back at some point.

  • Maze
  • Maze Connector
  • Little Creek 
  • 12 1/2 Walls (Green)
  • FlatBue

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cool at Cowles...

 I rode for an hour and a half today at Cowles. As always, it was great! The weather was cool for August and the trails were dry

    • Exhibition (north to south)
    • Inside Job 
    • Yellow Trail (north to south)
    • Orange Trail (West)  (north to south)
    • Orange Trail (East) (south to north)
    • Orange Trail (East) (Cedar Ridge Road)
    • Chappy's (heading back north)
    • Exhibition (south to north)
    • out to Parking Lot

1 - Yikes - I had to lift the bike over the Gate here

2 - This climb was ridiculous - I had to walk most of it...

Monday, August 12, 2024

Woodlin Club to Third Falls

After a nice visit with my mother at the Glendale Home, I decided--on a whim--to check out the former Woodlin Club. I had read a while back that the town of Glenville had bought it and wondered what it was like now...

There's a parking lot... 

...and a long curved mowed descent thru the fields to the woods.
Once in the woods, it was a short descent to the falls area.
I first took a left and reascended the steep hill which brought me to the fence and then another very steep descent.
I backtracked and went down to the river's edge.

Lastly I went east along the yellow trail for a bit and got a nice photo of the sun thru the trees

Related Info

Photos of the Former Swimming Area

Apparently it had a Ski Tow!

(The vertical drop of the area was approximately 90 feet)