Sunday, February 23, 2020

Cross River - Ruins and Dam

I decided to do something different this afternoon and check out a couple of old foundations in the area. I've seen them in my travels and it aroused my curiosity.

1 - Laurel Reservoir (Stamford)

Nearby Laurel Reservoir there's an old ruin I which I wish I could have gotten closer to. Unfortunately it is fenced off and a little distance away to get a good photo.
But surprisingly where I parked my car a bit further away I discovered there was another old foundation nearby.

2 - Cross River

This ruin next to the Cross River Reservoir was fairly easy to access. I only had to scale a small fence  :-) . I thought it looked pretty magnificent in the sun.
A "360"

3- The Cross River Dam

Since I was nearby, I thought I'd check out the Cross River Dam. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was publicly accessible (I thought I would have to sneak in!). Built in 1907 as part of New York City's extensive water system, it was impressive,
NYC - DEP Photo

4 - Carolin's Grove
Lastly I decided to play a little Native American Flute so I stopped by this small park in Pound Ridge and perched myself at the park bench at the top of this little hill
I was able to prop up my phone with some rocks to shoot this short video. I am playing a bit of  Sacred Forest, Drifting Clouds...

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Farrigntons - Lawnmower...

I went back again to Farrringtons today to add a couple of connector trails to the GPS map (not yet added ) and check out the trails in the north part of the park,

The weather was mostly sunny but erratic -- sometimes very cold, sometimes much warmer. Along the long way up, this strange looking dead tree remnant caught my eye.
Once over the last hill and by Farringtons Pond, the carriage road goes right to the road but word has that it you should stay away from this entrance as the local homeowners do NOT like it being used.
 The back loop is known as Lawnmower and sure enough, at the far eastern point of the loop, there's an old rusty lawnmower!

I am always fascinated by finding old remnants of roads in the woods and they weren't too hard to spot. The gully inside of the back loop had a couple that I noticed.
 Although I wanted to explore more of the park, it was getting late so I headed back out on the main carriage road, passing Farringtons Pond once more...
...and descending quickly down the old road (too bad this photo came out a little blurred - it was beautiful at this moment).

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Farringtons - 2-15-2020

I took a hike around the periphery of the NY side of Farringtons on a cold Sat afternoon. Thankfully it warmed up after 3 pm or so..

I gotta thing for big rocks in the woods... :-)

Its a great spot - imagine this is the summer... Woo-eee!