Friday, September 13, 2024

Second and First Falls - Indian Kill

After visiting my still vibrant 100-year old mother at the Glendale Home,  I stopped by to hike the Indian Kill Nature Preserve. It is truly an awesome park - sections make you feel that you were hiking in a primordial forest untouched for thousands of years.

I entering from the old Woodlin Pool Club parking lot and just hiked the western section of the park - most of the trails west of Third Falls were all new to me. It was a really nice adventure!


Third Falls
Hiking the unmarked trail - it was pretty rugged!

At Second Falls

The view from above
I played my pocket flute here
Second Falls - stream level

Arriving at First Falls

Heading back on the north side of the stream
Closing the loop

Its a beautiful place - so glad the town has kept it a Nature Preserve!

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