Sunday, February 23, 2020

Cross River - Ruins and Dam

I decided to do something different this afternoon and check out a couple of old foundations in the area. I've seen them in my travels and it aroused my curiosity.

1 - Laurel Reservoir (Stamford)

Nearby Laurel Reservoir there's an old ruin I which I wish I could have gotten closer to. Unfortunately it is fenced off and a little distance away to get a good photo.
But surprisingly where I parked my car a bit further away I discovered there was another old foundation nearby.

2 - Cross River

This ruin next to the Cross River Reservoir was fairly easy to access. I only had to scale a small fence  :-) . I thought it looked pretty magnificent in the sun.
A "360"

3- The Cross River Dam

Since I was nearby, I thought I'd check out the Cross River Dam. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was publicly accessible (I thought I would have to sneak in!). Built in 1907 as part of New York City's extensive water system, it was impressive,
NYC - DEP Photo

4 - Carolin's Grove
Lastly I decided to play a little Native American Flute so I stopped by this small park in Pound Ridge and perched myself at the park bench at the top of this little hill
I was able to prop up my phone with some rocks to shoot this short video. I am playing a bit of  Sacred Forest, Drifting Clouds...

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