Monday, August 21, 2023

Great Hill Pond Overlook

After a mountain bike ride at Case Mtn. and a lunch at home, I decided to head to Portland to search out remnants of an old Civilian Conservation Corps Camp known as Camp Jenkins.

Off on a dirt road is a small parking area where the trail Shenipsit Trail begins. The blocked off abandoned road on the right was, I believe, the old road to Camp Jenkins.
After hiking a bit on remnants of the old road, I came across pavement!
And once I turned to the left, this clearing seemed to correspond to where the camp was. Unfortunately I didn't see any remnants of the old camp (probably it was constructed with wood - no stone foundations) but I will try to return in the wintertime to look again.

The Hike

I continued on upward and upward to connect with the main ridge trail (Shenipsit Trail) and check out the overlook.
The Shenipsit Trail was wider and obviously more traversed but it had rough sections as well.
Once I got to the overlook--it was gorgeous!
Although the trip back down was shorter--there were some pretty crazy rocky steep parts!

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